COVID-19 Update
To deal with the COVID-19 crisis, Kinder Garden Montessori School has implemented safety measures to ensure the safety and health of our students.
We have hired a nurse who deals with this virus in a medical situation. We have detailed safety guidelines to follow that have been provided to the school and they are now in place. This detailed plan will be provided to parents to follow for the safety of students and staff.
We have a large facility and will have small classes so your child receives a personal education plan to fit their abilities. Safety in the education setting is our commitment and is what we take seriously for your children and our staff.
Should you have any questions or concerns about our detailed plan, please call the school at 330-668-1995.
About Our Montessori School
Kinder Garden Montessori School is a private incorporated non-sectarian school. The school was founded in the winter of 1977 through efforts of parents determined to offer their children the Montessori experience. Kinder Garden Montessori School is a Montessori pre-primary serving children 2 1/2 through the kindergarten year. Our school features a well-equipped classroom and an extensive outdoor play area including gardens, orchard and various farm pets.
If you are interested in the Montessori experience for your child call for an appointment. Come in and explore our Montessori environment with your child. It is important to see in person the environment in which your child will flourish. You will be given a tour of our Montessori classroom with a teacher who will answer all your questions. See how our trained staff works with the world renowned Montessori materials and how we can help your child develop his or her full potential.
Please make an appointment for a tour of our beautiful facility or just stop by for information. We will be happy to see you!
Our Mission Statement
In today’s crowded world of power struggles and ego trips, the Montessori method serves as a guide to raising unselfish, self-regulated, caring human beings who are problem solvers and have the self-confidence to lead successful lives by their own efforts rather than at the expense of their fellow citizens. The world needs as many people with these qualities as possible to shift the balance away from the good-of-the-few mentality that plagues many cultures today.
The world needs Montessori.