
If you are interested in enrolling your child in Kinder Garden Montessori School, make an appointment with the Montessori teacher. We will discuss your child’s needs, your expectations and go over fees and class schedules. The goal of our meeting is to help ensure that your child and your school selection are “a perfect fit,” creating the opportunity for your child’s natural love of learning to blossom.

Admissions to Kinder Garden Montessori School

Please call today at 330-668-1995 or just stop by for information. We will be happy to see you!

Famous Montessori School Students:

* Chelsea Clinton, Rhodes Scholar/Presidential Daughter

Jackie Kennedy-Onassis, First Lady

Anne Frank, Author, Holocaust Victim

Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Nobel Prize Winner in Literature

George Clooney, Actor

Thomas Edison, Inventor

Will Wright, Inventor of “The Sims” video game

Henry Ford, Automaker

Jimmy Wales, Found of Wikipedia